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[IDOL] FATAL ERROR (died during startup). Smart Analytics server is not running in normal.

Hi Team,

Please note that every time the server where Smart Analytics hosted being patched and rebooted, we will get this error message.

28/11/2023 08:13:36, At least one component is not running: component category is in status FATAL ERROR (died during startup). Smart Analytics server is not running in normal.

When verify on Server Manager, by navigating to System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Smart Analytics > Configuration  and Test connection, will have this error message 'Smart Analytics server connection failed'.

However, all the services related to Smart Analytics verified running fine on the Services (Windows OS platform)

It's require to restart (stopsrv and startsrv) the service before it's running fine again.

Kindly advise. Thanks in advance.

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    Hi Ai Na

    SInce there is not any log file so we can't know the exact root cause of your issue.

    The potential root cause: content data file was damaged.

     possible reason:
            1.> anti-virus software scan
            2.> stop idol server is not graceful

    Better to open support case and investigate it.


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    Thanks for the feedback, Simon.

    We will try to check further and consider to open the support case.

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    I think the re-index has to be performed as suggested from support team further.


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    Thanks Simon.

    We are taking the measure for the services stop not gracefully (assumption). The startup type of services changed to Manual and there is an automation to start the services with expectation after server patching and reboot completed, the services will be bring up accordingly by the automation. We will monitor for the next schedule reboot and discuss the next action plan.