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Creating change task using javascript

Is it possible to create a change task using javascript by copying change details into the new task?


If anyone has such script can you please share?

  • 0

    It is possible to do a lot of things using JS (including the one which you need) but can you explain your exact requirement and why OOB functionality of autocreation task does not fit your requirement. You can copy any data from change to task using cm3t.task.request link.

  • 0 in reply to 
    Hello, I also need to create an automatic task in the change module and in my case it is because each time a change phase is passed (implementation) a new task needs to be created and this must occur as many times as possible. go through that phase and it could be at least 2 times.
    With the configuration of "Scheduled tasks" only 1 task is generated and in my case it must be the same task at least 2 times.
    Thanks for the help.
  • 0 in reply to 
    Hello, I also need to create an automatic task in the change module and in my case it is because each time a change phase is passed (implementation) a new task needs to be created and this must occur as many times as possible. go through that phase and it could be at least 2 times.
    With the configuration of "Scheduled tasks" only 1 task is generated and in my case it must be the same task at least 2 times.
    Thanks for the help.
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