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sqociExec error:sqlcode=12154 message=ORA-12154:TNS:could't resolve the connect identifier specified

Getting the following error message while starting the SM , it seems that database is not getting connected by SM .I have used the default port for Oracle 1521 but do not have idea how to check for the port on which Oracle is running .

Can some please help me to understand whether this issue is because of port issue or some setting in Oracle which is missing in sm.ini file

3996( 3360) 12/07/2010 05:52:03 RTE I sqociExec error: sqlcode=12154 message=ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
3996( 3360) 12/07/2010 05:52:03 RTE E sqociExec error: sqlcode=12154 message=ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
3996( 3360) 12/07/2010 05:52:03 RTE I sqociExec error statement=Connecting to dbtype 'oracle10' Oracle server 'SMDB' as user 'servicemgr'
3996( 3360) 12/07/2010 05:52:03 RTE E sqociExec error statement=Connecting to dbtype 'oracle10' Oracle server 'SMDB' as user 'servicemgr'
3996( 3360) 12/07/2010 05:52:03 RTE I Going to sleep for 15 seconds and try again to connect
3996( 3360) 12/07/2010 05:52:18 RTE I sqociExec error: sqlcode=12154 message=ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
3996( 3360) 12/07/2010 05:52:18 RTE E sqociExec error: sqlcode=12154 message=ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

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  • 0
    Hi Pankaj,

    This is working fine from command prompt when using sqlplus username/password@SMDB, connects successfully to the database and SQL> prompt appears.

    TNSPING SMDB is also working fine and result is ok

    Only issue is connecting through SM application as the connection to database fails(verification failed when running configure batch file).

    Tried both with and without $ORACLE_HOME and $TNS_ADMIN variables but no success.
  • 0
    Hi Pankaj,

    This is working fine from command prompt when using sqlplus username/password@SMDB, connects successfully to the database and SQL> prompt appears.

    TNSPING SMDB is also working fine and result is ok

    Only issue is connecting through SM application as the connection to database fails(verification failed when running configure batch file).

    Tried both with and without $ORACLE_HOME and $TNS_ADMIN variables but no success.
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