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How can I extract attachments out of CM tickets?

I have been trying multiple ways to extract attachments our of Service Manager using Web Services (which I read many forum post many have been unsuccessful) and directly through the SQL table SYSATTACHMEM1. Pulling directly from the table seem unreadable and web services seem difficult.

Does anyone know how (if) this can be done? Ultimately, we want to send the attachment out of SM via email to a vendor for processing after the change ticket has been approved.


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    Dear Lee.

    Could you show me how to get binary orginal images data in Data field of SYSATTACHMEM1 table. I want to reuse this data to show on my aspx webpage. I found that there are some bit HP add to before convert to binary image data so i can not get orginal image data using ihttphandler. It notice that images content errors.

    Here is my pie of code in Handler.ashx file.



    Your solutions offered seem very promising. Ultimately, we want to send an email with the change details and email attached. I will try this solution and get back to you with my results.

    byte[] orginalimg = new byte[] { };
                byte[] Merger = null;            
                byte[] removebyte = HanderExten.StrToByteArray("_RCFM*=."); // i think HP add _RCFM*=. before convert to binary data and save to db
                while (dReader.Read())
                    orginalimg = (byte[])dReader["DATA"];                
                    orginalimg = orginalimg.Except(removebyte).ToArray(); // Remove addition byte data
                        Merger = orginalimg;
                        Merger = Merger.Concat(orginalimg).ToArray(); // There are two row data of a image (merged data two rows)
                context.Response.ContentType = type;            


