Extra copies of scheduled reports being emailed

My scheduled monthly reports have been emailed to me as duplicates for a year or more, but I never looked into why.  Yesterday, they were emailed as quadruplets.  Unfortunately, I had the day before effectively stopped entries into ns.log, and the next day I deleted all the additional ns.log files anyway.  I'll turn notification to ns.log back on and run a test to see if I can duplicate the problem; otherwise, my next opportunity to look at ns.log would be the next monthly report run, June 1st.

Any ideas as to the cause?

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    David's answer is most likely correct for the original issue of getting duplicates (2 copies). That idea could be the same why you get 4 copies now. I'm not sure.

    I have seen another rare situation that causes duplicates. In this situation, "duplicates" means that you get 4 copies now instead of 2. For example, if the Test server is pointing to the production database by mistake, the Test NS could be sending a copy as well as the Prod NS. Each would send the 2 notifications, giving a total of 4. To check this issue, look in Configurator on the BOTH the Component view and the Database view on BOTH test and prod. Just make sure Test is only pointing to Test and Prod is only pointing to Prod. 

    See if that helps.

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    I will check that.  We also have a Dev server, but only the Test server was refreshed from Prod, and I may have forgotten to delete the events table.  Still, the test server Configurator notification is set to Test, so it doesn't send emails.

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    I'm checking with our DBA on the fact that although the test server service name (includes "test") for the set of database files and for the Repository (includes "prod") are correct, respectively, the Host names are the same.

    Toad shows no data in the test database TS_NotificationEvents table.

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    I'm checking with our DBA on the fact that although the test server service name (includes "test") for the set of database files and for the Repository (includes "prod") are correct, respectively, the Host names are the same.

    Toad shows no data in the test database TS_NotificationEvents table.
