Setup Login Banner Issues for SBM 12.2


When using the KB article above to setup a Login banner for SBM 12.2 the banner box seems to have a max width of 500px. I have tried edit the Def_loginform.css (found in [SBM Install Dir]\Common\tomcat\server\default\webapps\idp\css) to increase the .login-container .form-panel from 500px to 9000px to fit our banner onto a page without having to scroll down. When changing this and refreshing the login banner page the banner box changes the width to better fill the screen and avoid users from having to scroll down. After clicking Accept I am redirected to a 2nd banner screen (this time one that matches our modified default theme, the SBM blue box changes to red as per our default theme selection) but the 2nd banner screen (with the red SBM box) puts the banner box back to 500px. From refreshing this screen I am taken back to the 1st banner screen. 

Is there anyway to change the width of the banner box to utilize more of the width of the screen and avoid getting a 2nd banner that a user still has to scroll down to hit the Accept button.

Thanks for the help in advance.

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     If the box turns to red, I wonder if you have not been redirected into IIS/AE and you are actually looking at another html file?  Screen shots might be helpful to determine where we are.

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    Upon further digging I found that the loginform.css located in [SBM Install Dir]\Application Engine\Bin\Styles\<Random string of numbers and letters>\ is the css file loading the way the banner box loads in for the width. Issue now periodically the loginform.css in the folder mentioned above gets recreated and overwrites my changes back to 500px. Is there a way to change a "master template" the loads these themes in? Please note I have also tested changing our theme back to Modern Blue under Application Administrator -> Work Center -> Work Center Settings -> System Settings. With the same results, the banner running off the page where users have to scroll.

    We created a custom theme "Modern Red" from the Modern Blue theme back in SBM 12.1 and changed the Default Theme to the new Modern Red them to our stage environment so when logging in the team would know easily and quickly if they were in Production or stage.

    CSS element default: .login-container .form-panel { max-width: 500px !important;}

    The only change I made was to make the max-width: 9000px !important;

                 .login-container .form-panel { max-width: 60% !important;}

    Unfortunately at this time I can't send a screenshot of the login page running off the page with the Red SBM box. 

    Thanks for your help in advance. 

  • 0 in reply to   

    Upon further digging I found that the loginform.css located in [SBM Install Dir]\Application Engine\Bin\Styles\<Random string of numbers and letters>\ is the css file loading the way the banner box loads in for the width. Issue now periodically the loginform.css in the folder mentioned above gets recreated and overwrites my changes back to 500px. Is there a way to change a "master template" the loads these themes in? Please note I have also tested changing our theme back to Modern Blue under Application Administrator -> Work Center -> Work Center Settings -> System Settings. With the same results, the banner running off the page where users have to scroll.

    We created a custom theme "Modern Red" from the Modern Blue theme back in SBM 12.1 and changed the Default Theme to the new Modern Red them to our stage environment so when logging in the team would know easily and quickly if they were in Production or stage.

    CSS element default: .login-container .form-panel { max-width: 500px !important;}

    The only change I made was to make the max-width: 9000px !important;

                 .login-container .form-panel { max-width: 60% !important;}

    Unfortunately at this time I can't send a screenshot of the login page running off the page with the Red SBM box. 

    Thanks for your help in advance. 

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