Setup Login Banner Issues for SBM 12.2


When using the KB article above to setup a Login banner for SBM 12.2 the banner box seems to have a max width of 500px. I have tried edit the Def_loginform.css (found in [SBM Install Dir]\Common\tomcat\server\default\webapps\idp\css) to increase the .login-container .form-panel from 500px to 9000px to fit our banner onto a page without having to scroll down. When changing this and refreshing the login banner page the banner box changes the width to better fill the screen and avoid users from having to scroll down. After clicking Accept I am redirected to a 2nd banner screen (this time one that matches our modified default theme, the SBM blue box changes to red as per our default theme selection) but the 2nd banner screen (with the red SBM box) puts the banner box back to 500px. From refreshing this screen I am taken back to the 1st banner screen. 

Is there anyway to change the width of the banner box to utilize more of the width of the screen and avoid getting a 2nd banner that a user still has to scroll down to hit the Accept button.

Thanks for the help in advance.

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