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Deleting states in SBM Composer - what happens to the items that were in the now deleted state?

Hello everybody, I want to modify a workflow with the SBM Composer. If I delete a state, but there are still current items in this state in the SBM Workcenter, what happens to these items? Will they be deleted or transferred to another state? Or what happens to these items? Thank you! 

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    Deletion of State changes nothing in other tables (primary tables, state change history tables), no 'cascade' deletions happen, existing items will still refer existing, but 'deleted' state. Deletion changes the 'status' of the State to 'deleted' (i.e. TS_STATUS = 1 in TS_STATES table), as simple as that. This is similar to SBM Users - once they appear in the System and perform some actions, they will stay there forever for audit purposes ( but in 'ex-' or 'inactive' state after they become inactive).

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    Deletion of State changes nothing in other tables (primary tables, state change history tables), no 'cascade' deletions happen, existing items will still refer existing, but 'deleted' state. Deletion changes the 'status' of the State to 'deleted' (i.e. TS_STATUS = 1 in TS_STATES table), as simple as that. This is similar to SBM Users - once they appear in the System and perform some actions, they will stay there forever for audit purposes ( but in 'ex-' or 'inactive' state after they become inactive).

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