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Backup folder created during SBM upgrade

I noticed that after each SBM upgrade on the server, under \\Program Files\Micro Focus\SBM a backup folder was created with a name started as "Backup-MDYYYY-xxxxxx". Is it ok to remove those backup folders to save space and to avoid security issues as they contain the old log4j file?  

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    We actually ran into a related challenge when applying the fix for CVE-2021-44228.  After applying the patch for the CVE as per the MicroFocus KB, the cyber-security group's scanner was still failing.  It wasn't until we could get a list of *what* failed that we found that the backup directory still had the vulnerable files.  We zipped the backup directory and moved it to long term storage.

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    We actually ran into a related challenge when applying the fix for CVE-2021-44228.  After applying the patch for the CVE as per the MicroFocus KB, the cyber-security group's scanner was still failing.  It wasn't until we could get a list of *what* failed that we found that the backup directory still had the vulnerable files.  We zipped the backup directory and moved it to long term storage.
