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Mass Update for Attachments

Can we have an enhancement to SBM to allow Mass Updates for attachments.  I would like to be able to add a file to/remove a file from multiple Items using Mass Update.  

  • Suggested Answer


    HI Gregory, you want to be able to update several items and add/remove the same file from all of them? I can't think of a way to do that in SBM today. If you do want to submit this as an enhancement, enter it in the "Idea Exhange" here: (13) SBM Idea Exchange - Solutions Business Manager Customers Only ( That's the page that is monitored by the Product Manager (Dave) to decide which enhancements to do next. While you are there, you can also look through the other ideas and "vote" for the ones you like best. Votes contribute to how Dave makes decisions about each idea.

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    Hi VIckie,

    I would like to submit this as an enhancement request.  but, i cannot locate the Idea Exchange area. i just get a blank page when I follow that link.



  • 0 in reply to   

    Hi VIckie,

    I would like to submit this as an enhancement request.  but, i cannot locate the Idea Exchange area. i just get a blank page when I follow that link.


