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Email Notification with multiple value

Hi , I have requirement to send an email notification when ever any of the value present in multi selected field.

Example : Consider my field name is Fruit and value of this field is Apple , Orange , Banana.

Currently to achieve this I have to create three rows in When condition  saying 

Fruit Contains Apple 

Fruit Contains Orange 

Fruit Contains Banana.

But my requirement is need to achieve this with one row , like 

Fruit Contains Apple, Orange , Banana.

I have tried multiple whys replacing , with : and ;   but it don't work.

Please help me to achieve this requirement.



  • 0

    Sorry if I am hijacking the thread but it may be relevant: if you have multiple lines in your condition and have both "AND" and "OR" clauses in it, does the whole condition need to begin and end with a parentheses?

  • 0

    Sorry if I am hijacking the thread but it may be relevant: if you have multiple lines in your condition and have both "AND" and "OR" clauses in it, does the whole condition need to begin and end with a parentheses?

  • 0   in reply to 

    Hi Brian. I think the answer is No. For example, the following two scenarios would not require additional parenthesis before the first line and after the last - it would only require the parenthesis shown.

    Option 1:

    Row 1

    AND Row 2

    Option 2:

    Row 1

    AND ( Row 2

    OR Row 3)