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Email Notification with multiple value

Hi , I have requirement to send an email notification when ever any of the value present in multi selected field.

Example : Consider my field name is Fruit and value of this field is Apple , Orange , Banana.

Currently to achieve this I have to create three rows in When condition  saying 

Fruit Contains Apple 

Fruit Contains Orange 

Fruit Contains Banana.

But my requirement is need to achieve this with one row , like 

Fruit Contains Apple, Orange , Banana.

I have tried multiple whys replacing , with : and ;   but it don't work.

Please help me to achieve this requirement.



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    I think you are saying you want the equivalent of select * from table where fruit in (Apple, Orange, Banana). I do not believe that is supported. If you have 100 fruits but only 20 define your exception, then write your rule with 1 row per fruit resulting in about 20 rows. If you are targeting the 80 fruits instead of the 20, then still write the rules in terms of the 20 with the appropriate adjustments to the boolean operators etc.