When attempting to login to SBM, I'm getting an error message of "Read timeout."

- SBM 11.2.

- Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

So far I've attempted to stop and restart SBM Tomcat service, as well as World Wide Web Publishing Service.  That didn't help.  I then tried restarting the License Server, and that didn't help either.  Any help would be appreciated.


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    I would probably start by looking at the tomcat.log or server.log and maybe the event viewer. "read timeout" isn't a very expressive message. Maybe one of these other logs would give a better message.

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    Here's my recipe for a "try restarting everything".

    1. Stop SBM AE (iis).  Wait until it's stopped.
    2. Stop SBM Tomcat.  Wait until it's stopped. 
    3. Stop any other SBM services.  I'm not sure how APLS plays into this picture ... we're still using SLM on 11.8.  
    4. Stop the database service.
    5. Start the database service.
    6. Start SBM Tomcat.  Monitor CPU usage on the server and wait until it isn't at 100%.
    7. Start any other SBM service *except* the AE.
    8. Last of all, start SBM AE (iis).

    This is based on my experience with old (old, really, really old) versions of SBM so it's probably overly paranoid.

  • Verified Answer


    When you get a "read timeout" on the login screen, that is an indication of the SBM server failing to contact some authentication url from the server.  If your "Authentication" section lists Browser Sessions as "Single Sign-On" then the issue is likely with SSO trying to contact the application engine web services URL as defined in Configurator > Security > Secure SSO.  If browser sessions is SBM sessions then the timeout could be an issue connecting to LDAP or a domain controller.

    For SSO, look at the SSO-IDP.LOG.  For both, look also in the Windows Event Viewer > Windows Application log where all IIS / AE and web services messages get logged.

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    Fortunately or unfortunately, the problem disappeared overnight, and I can now login with no issues.  I appreciate all the responses and will make sure to look at them again the next time this happens.  Thank you!