For Scheduled reports, is there a way to see when it was sent out each instance for the last 2 years? other than the ns.log, as that one doesn't go back far enough.

For Scheduled reports, is there a way to see when it was sent out each instance for the last 2 years? other than the ns.log, as that one doesn't go back far enough. 

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    ts_ReportUsage will tell you when a report happened.  ts_Notifications will have a record when a report was sent out.  The time values between the 2 tables may not exactly match.  On our test system they're off by about 5 secs.  Watch out -- the ExecTime in ReportUsage is in MSEC -- Triggered Date in Notifications is in Sec.

  • Verified Answer


    For each scheduled report (could be the same report for multiple users), there will be one notification event record and one notification record.  The TS_REPORTUSAGE table mentioned by Paul will contain one record for each time that the report is run whether it was run by user a, user b, manually or scheduled.

    The Application Administrator has Runtime Statistics that shows all reports and how many times it has been run which is useful.  You can view just run records for a specific user and it will tell you the number of times that user ran the report: not exactly each time that the report was automated.

    If you wanted to be more exact linking a report execution to a scheduled report, you would need to put a trigger on ts_notificationmessages to insert a row into a custom  table / SBM aux table to better track

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    TS_Notifications only shows me the last time the notification was triggered. I need to know every time in the last year. Is there a way to get this info? 

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    nevermind. I see reportusage has previous times the report was used, and notifications has the last time it was triggered for the notification.