How to replace dot by comma in javascript ?


I have to replace dot by comma in numerics fields but I can't manage to do it.

I add a javascript in a form action, on submit : 

var fieldtxt = GetFieldValue("My field name").replace(".",",");


But I have an error that tells me that "replace" is not found.

How can I do this ? 

Any idea ?
Thank you for helping.

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Cindy, if I understand your situation correctly, then GetFieldValue would be returning a number and "replace" is not a method for a number. I would suggest something like the following so that it can be more easily stepped through in the browser Developer Tools.

    var fieldnumber = GetFieldValue("My field name");

    var fieldtxt = fieldnumber.toString();

    var updatedtext = fieldtxt.replace(".",",");


    It is a curious use case - if this is due to locale that you would want to do this, there could be other approaches.

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    That's exactly it.

    We're using the local French and when some of our users write "0.531" it becomes "531" on submit ! It's a big problem. And until the problem is resolved, I'm looking for something to correct it.

    Thanks for your answer, i'm trying it.

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    The system should take care of this automatically for you. The user just needs to be sure to use the "French" locale. There are many (maybe 20+) "French" options. Are they using one of these? Which ones? I have seen strange behavior with some locales that doesn't happen with other locales. Maybe have them try the plain "French" option instead of one of the other options. It looks like this

  • 0   in reply to 

    The system should take care of this automatically for you. The user just needs to be sure to use the "French" locale. There are many (maybe 20+) "French" options. Are they using one of these? Which ones? I have seen strange behavior with some locales that doesn't happen with other locales. Maybe have them try the plain "French" option instead of one of the other options. It looks like this
