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Using $STRING tag

In custom state form I'm using HTML/javaScript widget.

In that widget I have a JavaScript.

In that JavaScript i have used in the past $STRING(TT_JS, SOME_STRING_KEY).

And it used to work.

Now I have SBM 12.1 installed and for $STRING(TTS_JS, SOME_STRING_KEY) I'm getting empty string.

Does anyone have an idea on how (and where) in the database to insert string with key "SOME_STRING_KEY" in order to be picked-up by $STRING(TT_JS, SOME_STRING_KEY).




  • Verified Answer


    Use the "String_IDs" table.

    I'm sure you're aware that the "IDS_" prefix is not for use by customers.  We use our company ticker symbol (from NY stock exchange) as the prefix for our strings added to "String IDS".

    Also note that stuff in the "String IDs" table is user-interface stuff -- not "settings" stuff.  We put custom settings (for use by scripts) into the "TS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS" table.

    Also note -- you must restart IIS (the Application Engine) to pickup any changes to the "TS_STRINGIDS" table.  The "Clear Cache" admin URLs don't do it!!!

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    Yes, you are right. I didn't do IIS restart step; I thought that RefreshCache would do. Thanks for reminding me!