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Transition Restriction

i have a request to restrict a transition in a workflow to the submitter/owner.  This is for only one transition in the workflow, not all of them.  Here is an image of the workflow section:

When the workflow is in the 'Analyst Review' state, only the submitter should be able to click the 'Complete' transition, where it would go to the Analyst in the 'Complete' state.  Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,


  • Suggested Answer


    Normally, this would be covered by the transition if owner privilege, but it appears that you do allow team members to transition if not owner at times.  

    So in this case, create a rule where owner=current user and the set the transition to restrict by rule.


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    Hello David and thanks for your help.

    Where would I create this rule?  Orchestrator or Application Administrator?  There are "Actions" in Orchestrator but not "Rules."  Is that what you mean?  If so, in "Actions" the options are "Orchestration Workflow", "Script", "Transition", "Trigger", and "Web Service."

    I don't see anything in Administrator about rules.  Please advise.

    Thanks again.


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    You want to edit the process app  in Composer.  Create the Rule under workflow design.  Then, edit the transition on the workflow to restrict by rule.

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    Forgive me for misspeaking.  When I said Orchestrator I meant Composer.

    Anyway, I found the Rules and I think I've got it right, although the operators available are only "in" or "not in."   There is no "=".

    If this is correct, can you direct me on how to apply this rule to the transition?

    Thanks again.

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    Depending on the type of field, it will sometimes say "in" or "=" or "contains". For this one, you want "in".

  • Suggested Answer

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    This is correct.  You do want IN here.  You can do this if you want secondary owners to use it as well.

    The next step is to edit the transition and in the properties, you will see a section for "restrict by rule".  Select this new rule.

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    Awesome.  I found that and set it to use the rule.  I've deployed the changes and we'll do some testing and I'll let you know how it goes.

    Thanks very much!

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    David, your suggestion works like a charm.  Thanks very much.