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Is there an inconsistency in 11.8 report filter date conditions?

In an 11.8 SBM report filter, "Submit Date <= 8/31/23" not yield items whose Submit Date is 8/31/23, that ARE included if the condition is "Submit Date = 8/31/23".  In both cases, after the condition is created, the condition time appears as midnight (12:00:00 am).  

In the case then of "Submit Date <= [8/31/23] 12:00:00 am", it makes sense to me that items submitted 8/31/23 are not included, since the limit is expressed as midnight.

However, for "Submit Date = 8/31/23 12:00:00 am", since midnight is not a time range, I infer that the "12:00:00 am" is meaningless.

Obviously, for hard-coded dates, using "Submit Date < 10/1/23" is the solution, preferable to adding an appropriate time in "Submit Date = 8/31/23".

Whatever the case, it seems to me that since entering <= [date] seems to make sense for including [date], maybe there could be a popup warning, or the time should instantly fill in as a reminder.

The Date/Time Keywords are inclusive, so that's good.

  • Verified Answer


       It is best to think of submitDate as submitDateTime.  There is always a time associated with this field.  If you do not specify a time, 00:00:00 (or midnight) is assumed. 

    So, if you specify just the date like "Submit Date <= 10/1/23",  the date "10/1/23" will imply '10/1/23 12:00:00 am'.  This means that if everything entered on 10/1/23 will never be included unless it was entered at exactly midnight and you use <=.

    The keywords are self-explanatory.  Either startOf (midnight beginning of day) or endOf (23:59:59).  Be careful of plus 7 or minus 7.  This will just add 7 to the date, so if your datetime is 10/1/23 07:58 then plus 7 will not give you any items entered after 10/8/23 at 07:58.