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Can you show the Change History Added to backlog in a listing report?

Is it possible to show in a listing report the change history value Added to backlog with which backlog the work item was added to? or someway to set a filed with this value? 

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    we would like to be able to display the backlog and the backlog priority number from the change history

  • Suggested Answer


    I would expect it to show if you created a Listing report of type Change History.  What does that show?

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    it does show up there. but the need is to know in a normal listing report if any of the items in that report were added to a backlog and what that priority is. I did end up writing a modscript and copying that info to a text field. but I was wondering if there was something automated to just show that info. 

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    There is no way to get Change History data in a standard Listing report. They look at different tables. The standard Listing report only looks at the specified primary/aux table, and the change history report only looks at the TS_CHANGES table. So, your approach with modscript was probably the best answer.

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    I have not tired that. I'll have to look into that. thank you. 

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    I have finally been able to implement this. and it is great with 1 exception.  When running the report, I added a join to get from my backlog view to the work item from my primary table. I have to click the double down arrow to open the Primary table record.

    Here is the report setup

    the In Backlogs was the only thing available to select in the Select Field for Item Link

    Here is the portion of the xml file that shows the fields. I am only displaying the relational field and the backlog information. 

    is there a way to default the link to the work item, and not the backlog view record?