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(OO) Support Tip: EmbeddedOOContent-x.x.x.jar for integration with NNMi

For integration between Network Node Manager (NNMi/NNM) and OO, when preparing diagnostic workflows provided by NNMi, the content packs EmbeddedOOContent-x.x.x.jar and NNMiCP10-CP-1.0.0.jar content packs are to be installed on the OO side.

EmbeddedOOContent-x.x.x.jar is a Base Content Pack (AFL), so if a certain version of Base Content Pack (AFL) is already installed on OO,EmbeddedOOContent-x.x.x.jar cannot be installed.

The x.x.x part of the EmbeddedOOContent-x.x.x.jar file indicates the version of the Base Content Pack (AFL). If you already have the same or newer version of Base Content Pack (AFL) installed on your OO, you do not need to install EmbeddedOOContent-x.x.x.jar.

If a version of Base Content Pack (AFL) older than x.x.x is installed on OO, upgrading to the latest version is recommended.


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