DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Here are the files to be copied over to the remote host:
1. <OO_HOME>\Java
2. <OO_HOME>\central\bin
3. <OO_HOME>\central\var
4. <OO_HOME>\central\lib
Make sure that the path is set correctly. For example, in remote host:
1. Make a folder, named it OOSH (or whatever you want)
5. Copy Java folder (<OO_HOME>\central\bin) from OO server to OOSH folder
2. Under OOSH folder, make a subfolder. named it central
3. Similarly, copy bin, var, lib folders from OO server to central folder
Another way is to set the path in the bat file.
Java 1.7 or higher needs to be installed in the remote host.
See for more information.