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July/August - OO Practitioner Forum Live Meetings: OO Authoring Best Practices

Hello practitioners, 

The next topic that we want to discuss is related to the OO Authoring. You will find how you can leverage on existing tools to develop OO content in the most efficient way. Because we have a lot to cover on the subject, we'll have two sessions in July. You can find the registration links bellow for both sessions. 

July 15th, OO Authoring Best Practices Part 1

July 29th August 12, OO Authoring Best Practices Part 2

Registration url:

Hope I'll see you there,


PS: You can find June's call recording here:

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    You can find July recording about OO Authoring Best Practices here:

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    Hi! Thanks for the recording. I've got a doubt regarding to worker groups in this video... when you talk about not using the central node worker (the default behavior), I should install a RAS in the same server and assign to it RAS_Operator_Path to use it, that's the recommended way of doing it if I want to use that same server for processing flows? I did the test in my environment putting the central worker in INTERNAL alias group and installing a RAS in the same server putting the RAS_Operator_Path and some other alias groups that we use and it works fine for now. The main problem that we have is the RAM used by JVM, so maybe this is a more efficient way to distribute resources.

    Again, thank you!