• SA OOB Operations failing with Certificate Error

    Hi All, We recently updated OO-SA connect pack to Version 3.0.0 in order to support SA version 24.1 which is in DEV. We updated the CP in QA/PROD too where SA version is 2020.11 . While testing the flows, QA ran successfully with SA 3.0.0 content pack…
  • Remote Command Execution Success with exitStatus -1

  • OO Upgrade from 10.80 to 2022.05 - Content Pack Migration

    Hello fellow OO admins! We are planning to upgrade our existing OO 10.80 to version 2022.05, now I have this idea of creating new VMs with OO 2022.05 clean installed that will run side by side with our existing OO 10.80. Question is, by upgrading…
  • Is Studio 2021.02 backwards compatible with Central 10.80?

    I would like to know if I build a content pack with Studio 2021.02, will it import correctly and run in Central 10.80?
  • The supported objects described in the OO-Content document are too old

    I confirmed the support information list of the basic content package in the URL: https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/OO_Base_Content:1.18.x/Home Is the supported system version too old? Although the basic content pack is constantly being developed,…
  • OO Central error on CP deployment: XML syntax error on System Property

    Hello, a customer is reporting a problem with a Content Pack we just delivered. The error goes as follows: XML File 'Configuration/System Properties/Path/To/Property.xml' has syntax error at line #2 at column #96, reason: cvc-pattern-valid: Value '0cf32701…
  • OO Studio 2019.07 commit error

    When I attempt to commit my changes in OO Studio 2019.07, I get this error: SCM Messages pane error: C:\OOwksp\b\.oo\Workspace\USB_OO9_base\Content\Library\Retired_Flows\Groups\workspaces\ghost patching db loads\standalone CFS VCS failover\Date Parser…
  • Operation Orchestration IMAP read only error

    We are using Operation Orchestration 2018.12 and processing emails coming from external customers via flows that we created in OO to be able to create a ticket for Service Manager X (2018.08.004) We have been facing a problem with read only emails that…
  • Could not download multiple attachments in OO

    We are using Operation Orchestration 2018.12 In order to get mails coming from external customers, we created an OO flow searching for mails in INBOX folder. It checks INBOX folder with a specified intervals and creates a ticket for SMAX via this mail…
  • Is it possible to set more than one dns servers with Customize Windows Guest Operation?

    Hello all, Does anyone know if it is possible to set more than one dns servers using Customize Windows Guest Operation? There is an option with executing script I think, but is there an option by using CWGO? If yes, what separators should be used during…
  • OO cannot get excel custom date cells

    Operation:/Base [1.15.0]/Library/Operations/Excel/Get Cell description: Set a custom format for a cell of excel as follows: yyyy"年"m"月"d"日"(aaa) If you use [Get Cell] to get the data of this cell, it will only display returnResult=43633 Because [Get Cell…
  • 【OO】When I try to send mail by OO, the sender and the recipient are garbled.

    When I use the following flow to send mail, if Chinese or Japanese are entered in To and CC, garbled characters will appear. /Base[1.4.3]/Library/Operations/Email/Send Mail input: to:zhu@zhu.com cc:"問題の原因" <zhu1@zhu.com> output: to:zhu@zhu.com…