• JRSFlowInvoke replacement

    Hi all, We are currently running OO 2019.07 and are upgrading to OO 24.1 and we still currently use JRSFlowInvoke. So the reason for this is you can use a base URL say https://<OO_Server>:8443/PAS/services/rest/run_async/ Add on your library path Library…
  • SA OOB Operations failing with Certificate Error

    Hi All, We recently updated OO-SA connect pack to Version 3.0.0 in order to support SA version 24.1 which is in DEV. We updated the CP in QA/PROD too where SA version is 2020.11 . While testing the flows, QA ran successfully with SA 3.0.0 content pack…
  • Is there more documentation for developing OO Plugins?

    Hello, I have been trying to create a plugin for OO Studio with Java. However, the documentation is a bit scarce, and I am struggling to get my solution into the state I want it to. Before I begin explaining my situation, I have to state that the documentation…
  • Http Post 2.0 gives is not a valid URI error

    Hello, Im trying to method Post json request but Im gettng this error: exception=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the value 'xxx' is not a valid URI. So I guessed that you have to encode the URL. So I'm using the URL Encoder operation. My question…
  • ERROR - Failed to get csrf token from insights

    Hi Everyone, There is an error while execution of scheduled flow in the OO central. We can execute the flow without any error manually but when it is scheduled we encounter with the below error [local-scheduler-persisted_Worker-10] (QuartzScheduler…
  • Remote Command Execution Success with exitStatus -1

  • Cant retrieve exit code from Powershell script in OO

    Hello , I am using a PowerShell script located in /Base\[1.23.5]/Library/operations/Remote Command Execution/Powershell/Powershell Script, simply trying to run the following commands in script input: dir d:\ exit 13 even dir command is not working…
  • Multi Instance flow Failing to execute with error ERROR - Was not able to increment license for lane

    Hi All, We are having issue with some of the multi instance flows. The flow hanged while its entering the multi instance step and going to Failed to Complete after 5 minutes. We are seeing exception " Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at…
  • Execute OO Flow via Rest (OO Containerized)

    Hi all, is there a possibility to execute an OO Flow via REST API for OO Containarized? If so, how does it work? We tried it with an Admin OO User which has the permission to execute flows but via API we get a HTTP Status Code 403 Forbidden. …
  • OO Studio | file management on windows

    Hi all, I am pretty fresh in OO and have a background in Microsoft System Center Orchestrator. File management on windows is pretty hard for me in OO. Just some simple tasks I want to perform in OO Studio: Delete all files with certain extension…
  • How to automate migration of steps/sub flows from one project to another?

    How to automate migration of steps/sub flows from one project to another? Is there a way? because I have a huge number of flows to update and it will take me weeks to complete if I will do it manually. Thanks in advance :-)
  • "jwt malformed" error while authentication in an OO flow

    Hi All, We have flow deployed for automating the access request in a tool called Secure One. The flow is able to fetch token in our QA environment but not in PROD. All the flows, OO version, application setup and everything is same. Environment…
  • How many licenses does OO consume

    Hi experts, Is there any way to know how to know the use of current licenses in an OO installation? Thanks, Luis
  • OO URL is not coming up and showing as redirection.

    Dear All, I had installed the OO in out environment for POC and it was working fine. and for some reason server memory was consumed 100% and due to that we had restarted the server. after that we are getting the redirection as shown in the screenshot…
  • FS Get Children

    Version: /Base [1.22.0]/Library/Operations/File System/Windows Only/FS Get Children Execution of FS Get Children on RAS return this: Access to the path '\\MYSHARE.COM\MYPATH' is denied. this is the log: ...... (PluginAdapterImpl.java:352) ERROR…
  • Download content pack in HP OO 10.80

    Hi Team, Can any body help me how download a content pack from OO central HP 10.80
  • Error when running with PowerShell V3

    Hello all, May I know if you have experience the similar issue as me. When running in the HPOO, we always got the error as following. However, the credential was passed, the EXO powershell has already connected as well. and this issue is randomly…
  • Powershell Environments Variables not beeing used

    Hi all, i have an OO Worklow which contains a Powershell Script Operation (/Base [1.21.1]/Library/Operations/PowerShell/PowerShell Script): Set-Location "${TerraformFilesPath}" terraform apply --auto-approve But this doesn't work. The Terraform…
  • Input JSON as input via REST API to OO

    Hello all, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, I want a very simple thing and that is to pass JSON to input variable, the flow currently does nothing just take the variable and display it. { "flowUuid": "3368f425-b95b-4674-b69c-582246ee93af…
  • how to bulk load system accounts into a system properties file OO 2022.05

    Need to add 100+ system accounts that exist in Studio CP into Designer. Any ideas how to do it? I was able to bulk load other system properties, but accounts, not so much.
  • Concurrent License: All flows fail after "Paused - No License Available"-status

    Hello, we are using the concurrent flows licences structure. It seems that all flows fail when they continue running after the "Paused - No License Availabe"-status. When no license is available on the moment a flow starts running the flow enters…
  • OO Upgrade from 10.80 to 2022.05 - Content Pack Migration

    Hello fellow OO admins! We are planning to upgrade our existing OO 10.80 to version 2022.05, now I have this idea of creating new VMs with OO 2022.05 clean installed that will run side by side with our existing OO 10.80. Question is, by upgrading…
  • Only allow TLS1.2 or higher for SMTP in APLS (v12.0)

    Our smtp relay only allows TLS1.2 and higher. I've looked in the documentation ( docs.microfocus.com/.../MainConfigurationTabConfigurationPane and docs.microfocus.com/.../SMTPMailConfiguration however, ther is no mention how to set tls version 1.2 and…
  • OO Central 2022.05 internal password policy configuration

    Does anyone know how or where to configure the password policies for internal users? For tools that use the IDM, it's pretty straight forward, but I can't find anything in the UI or on the filesystem.
  • MFOO 2022.05 CPU Utilization shoots up to 100% when there is backward time & date change on the central Server. Has anyone encountered this issue before? if yes please help me out on the resolution.

    MFOO 2022.05 CPU Utilization shoots up to 100% when there is backward time & date change on the central Server. Has anyone encountered this issue before? if yes please help me out on the resolution. When we change the time and date from current to anytime…