Hi all,
We are currently running OO 2019.07 and are upgrading to OO 24.1 and we still currently use JRSFlowInvoke.
So the reason for this is you can use a base URL say
Add on your library path
To get this
https://<OO_Server>:8443/PAS/services/rest/run_async/Library/Path/Path/Flowname -async -u <username> -ep <encrypted_pwd> -inputs input1=blah1&input2=blah2
to execute in shell script or the such.
Now I notice PAS path does not exist in OO 24.1 website, So is there a command line tool for linux and windows you can utilise to submit a flow using the flows path vs the UUID?
If not can the existing PAS.war from OO 2019.07 be copied so it gets deployed by the new versions tomcat?