OO 2023.05 - Purge Execution Summary Flow a Hit and Miss


Re: OO 2023.05 - Purge Execution Summary a Hit and Miss

Anyone who runs Purge Execution Summary flow without any issues on 2023.05?

Mine is a hit and miss, playing around with the maxAmount paremeter... let me know your feedback and suggestions.

Last time it worked for me was I put maxAmount=1500000 delayBetweenRequests=30, it ran but the flow keeps running even when records are not being deleted anymore.

When I was still with OO 10.70, it worked all the time but after upgrading to 2023.05 iit worked for 8 monhs then suddenly misbehaving since July.

I am using Oracle 19c by the way:

This is my database.properties maybe you can suggest something:

db.validateQuery=SELECT 1 FROM DUAL



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    Hi Art,

    Which version of CP are you running? Please try the latest CP if you have not had it.

    Thank you.

    Sam Liu

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    Hey, ART.

    To be honest: we wrote our own Stored Procedure to Purge reliable the execution data many years ago. The given routine was not reliable working and was running for very long.

    So we reversed engineered the database a bit and wrote a stored procedure which deletes the entries in batches so we don't have an issue with an exploding transaction log. Furthermore our stored procedure takes in the Execution Name we want to purge. In addition we have an SQL Server Agent Job with many steps. In each step we call the stored procedure with different parameters. For example: we are purging some high interval scheduled flows (every minute) every day if they are successfull. And we keep flow execution logs for flow runs with error for 14 days, etc.

    We are using Microsoft SQL Server as database.

    I'm not sure if my answer is helping but for your information, that you are not the only one with trouble with purging execution logs ;-)


      -- Sascha