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Can RPA take screenshots of entire desktop or chrome browser when executing steps ?

Can RPA take screenshots of entire desktop or chrome browser when executing steps ?


  • 0

    Yes it can. 

    This is a basic UFT capability. From RPA Activity Recorder - go to Tools->Options-> GUI Testing->Screen Capture

    on the right, Save still image captures to results: - chose Always.

    A few comments:

    1. This only has to be done once per Robot and Designer install. It is not test specific.
    2. At this time, the captures can only be seen by opening the UFT results file. Look for run_results.html
    3. Note in the option - you can also capture video, but be aware of size! 


  • 0   in reply to 

    Thanks, do you have some samples of these screenshots ?
    Which resolution are these screenshot made ?
    Can the RPA test results including the screenshots be exported ?

    I tried also with UFT  (I was UFT instructor in the past) 
    After changing the GUI Test options,
    UFT generates only small images i.e. 1008 x 645 for every step
    We need to have this in 1600 x 900 resolution
    Which resolution does RPA uses for screencaptures ?

    Running a GUI test with UFT on Chrome, triggers a warning message in the Chrome browser to become
    visible at the top part of the browser screen and a piece of the screen/menu’s in the web page are not visible. Doe this also happen in RPA ?

    The names of the actual UFT screen capture files have random names.
    That makes it impossible to match the screen capture to the actual step being executed
    Does RPA also do this ?

    We are investigating if we can have automatic scripts like UFT or RPA execute user actions from the 150 use cases/scenarios we have in our SMAX Course simulation based training we created with the Adoption Readiness Tool ART. After executing all the test scripts we could then just copy/past the new images into the existing simulations to update our elearning to 2020 SMAX content. 

  • 0   in reply to 

    Thanks, do you have some samples of these screenshots ?
    Which resolution are these screenshot made ?
    Can the RPA test results including the screenshots be exported ?

    I tried also with UFT  (I was UFT instructor in the past) 
    After changing the GUI Test options,
    UFT generates only small images i.e. 1008 x 645 for every step
    We need to have this in 1600 x 900 resolution
    Which resolution does RPA uses for screencaptures ?

    Running a GUI test with UFT on Chrome, triggers a warning message in the Chrome browser to become
    visible at the top part of the browser screen and a piece of the screen/menu’s in the web page are not visible. Doe this also happen in RPA ?

    The names of the actual UFT screen capture files have random names.
    That makes it impossible to match the screen capture to the actual step being executed
    Does RPA also do this ?

    We are investigating if we can have automatic scripts like UFT or RPA execute user actions from the 150 use cases/scenarios we have in our SMAX Course simulation based training we created with the Adoption Readiness Tool ART. After executing all the test scripts we could then just copy/past the new images into the existing simulations to update our elearning to 2020 SMAX content. 
