This step is to bring the missing OpticDL Reporting button under the Action drop-down back to access the BVD report from NNMi.
Network Node Manager (NNMi) All versions
Button OpticDL Reporting is not showing under NNMi UI…
Network Node Manager i (NNMi) 2021.11
/var/opt/OV/nmsas/public/actionServer.port.lock this file used / opened as RandomAccessFile and use java’s Filechannel and lock mechanism . The user & group of ovjboss and nnmaction are…
NNM iSPI Performance for Traffic Leaf OS: Linux
Traffic Leaf's service is RUNNING, but can not access the Traffic Leaf's database
Run this command to start Traffic Leaf's database manually: sudo -u postgres …
NNM iSPI Performance for Traffic NNM: Network Node Manager
Providing the different NNM iSPI Performance for Traffic Leaf's hostname in the configuration file and in the Leaf Collector configuration (Traffic console) will cause…
Network Node Manager i (NNMi)
The user wants to confirm if the CVE-2003-1567 vulnerability affects NNMi.
The description of CVE-2003-1567 is as follow. -------------…
This can happen after QA iSPI installation. On QA.log:
On QA.log:
WARN [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool] Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: null: org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not…
NNMi cannot be installed. The installer cannot find the library on the system. If you tried to find it in the system (with a find command), the library seems to be here.
The problem is related to library loading, i686…
Optic software failed a security vulnerability test due to CBC cipher suites
CVE's list: CVE-2022-30320<>;
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) uses a protocol with a cryptographically insecure hashing…
Not able to run IDM commands due to the IDM host is not reachable. e.g:
/opt/OV/bin/nnmidmconfig.ovpl -pushDBUserGroups
Please wait, execution of this command may take several minutes depending on the number of user groups
IdM host https://devOP___d…
This document lists some Shiro-core vulnerabilities and explains how they impact NPS 2018.11.
Security scanners has been detected the below Shiro-Core Vulnarebilies:
NNMi services are down after an OS security patch. After rebooting the system, NNMi would not start. The nmsdbmgr stopped, so ovjboss cannot run.
The OS secure patch caused changes in the following system /etc/host/ file so postgres…
Based on the analysis, log4j 2.x potential vulnerabilities have been addressed through Cognos upgrade and the following log4j 1.x vulnerable classes have been removed through a hotfix.
org/apache/log4j/chainsaw # CVE-2020-9493/CVE-2022-23307
Running snmpwalk against SNMPv3 devices fails with an "Algorithm not in allowed list: HmacSHA256" error if the nms-snmpv3-crypto-config.xml file does not contain the required entries after upgrading NNMi to 2021.11.
After an upgrade to NNMi 2021.11…
When installing NNM iSPI Performance for Traffic Leaf, the user gets this error:
Cannot determine file type for '<Drive>:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTO Software\conf\traffic
leaf\ovperla_packages\ ' at <Drive>:\Users…
The following error can be seen in NNMi log files like <NNM data dir>/log/nnm/boot.log or Postgres logs in <NNM Install dir>/nonOV/Postgres/pg_log/:
ERROR: missing chunk number 0 for toast value xxxxxx in pg_toast_2619
This happened due to corruptions…
This article documents the steps to troubleshoot the backup issue on NNMi server due to the below error: Connection to database "iptdb" failed: FATAL: database "iptdb" does not exist is detailed in this document.
Read the full resolution and document…
This document will guide the user on how to make sure the "connection is secure" when opening Network Node Manager i console with a self-signed certificate.
Read the full process and document here.
The upgrade paths to Network Node Manager i version 2022.11 are detailed in this document. This applies for:
Network Node Manger i (NNMi) 10.10, 10.20, 10.30,10.40, 10.50, 2018.05, 2018.08, 2018.11, 2019.05, 2019.11, 2020.08, 2020.11, 2021.05, 2021…
Step to remove unused space in NNMi database to release disk space when NNMi goes with other embedded iSPI like NNM iSPI for MPLS, NNM iSPI for Quality Assurance, NNM iSPI for Telephony.
Read the full Knowledge Doc and resolution here.
ETL cannot process metric file of Quality Assurance (QA) and in prspi.log, there are numerous entries as below:
Jun 24, 2021 03:31:45 PM [PID:13764] FATAL /opt/OV/nonOV/perl/a/bin/../lib/site_perl/NPS/[985] ETL.Quality_Assurance Unable to automatically…
This document will guide the user on how to fix the service issue of the standby NNMi (in Application Failover) after installation with the Oracle database. It is for the following product:
NNMi (Network Node Manager i) 2021.05 OS: Linux Database: Oracle…
The steps to fix the issue "Unable to install Hotfix-TRFL-2021.11-CORE-20220711 on Traffic Leaf server" are detailed in this document. The error in question in pictured below:
Read the full document and resolution here.