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Knowledge Doc: NNM2023.05-ovjboss was failed to start after restored database from other NNM server with command nnmbackupembdb.ovpl and nnmrestoreembdb.ovpl


In NNM2023.05, if use nnmbackembdb.ovpl to backup NNM database and restore it on another NNM server with command nnmrestoreembdb.ovpl, then ovjboss will be failed to start, it's a defect for nnmrestoreembdb.ovpl, as a workaround use nnmbackup.ovpl and nnmrestore.ovpl.


Network Node Manager i - NNMi



In NNM2023.05, after backup NNM database with nnmbackupembdb.ovpl and restore it on another NNM server with nnmrestoreembdb.ovpl, then ovjboss was failed to start.

#/opt/OV/bin/ovstatus -v
 object manager name: OVsPMD
 state:               RUNNING
 PID:                 2140092
 last message:        -
 exit status:         -

 object manager name: nnmaction
 state:               NOT_RUNNING
 PID:                 -
 last message:        Exit on signal 17
 exit status:         Exit(1)

 object manager name: nnmtrapreceivermd
 state:               RUNNING
 PID:                 2140094
 last message:        Initialization complete. Trap Receiver is running.

 exit status:         -

 object manager name: nmsdbmgr
 state:               RUNNING
 PID:                 2140093
 last message:        Database available.
 exit status:         -

 object manager name: ovjboss
 state:               RUNNING
 PID:                 2140157
 last message:        Initialization complete.
 exit status:         -
 additional info:
            SERVICE                                 STATUS
            CommunicationParametersStatsService     Service is started
            NmsEventsConfiguration                  Service is started
            NmsTrapReceiver                         Service is started
            PerformanceSpiConsumptionManager        Service is started
            SpmdjbossStart                          Service is started
            TrapPropertiesService                   Service is started
            TrustManager                            Service is started

 object manager name: nnmwebhooksrvc
 state:               RUNNING
 PID:                 (never run)
 last message:        Initialization complete.
 exit status:         -

 object manager name: nnmwebhooksrvc
 state:               RUNNING
 PID:                 (never run)
 last message:        Initialization complete.
 exit status:         -

For resolution please refer to the complete knowledge document.


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