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NA Support Tip: Work with .rcx files


The Network Automation (NA) property files use the .rcx extension. NA reads .rcx files in reverse alphabetical order. If a given setting is in multiple .rcx files, NA uses the last-read value. Thus, the settings in the adjustable_options.rcx file take precedence over the settings in the other .rcx files installed with NA.

At startup, NA reads all files in the jre directory and interprets their contents for NA configuration options. For this reason, save all backup copies of .rcx files outside the root NA directory.

In Horizontal Scalability environments, NA shares the actual values of most settings, not the .rcx files, across the NA cores. When a setting is modified on one NA core, that setting is replicated to the other NA cores. If an NA core is not operational during the change replication, that NA core does not receive the change. In that case, at a later time, use the Admin > Distributed > Renew Configuration Options page to pull changes from other NA cores.

The distributed system options section of the appserver.rcx file lists the settings that are specific to one NA core and are not shared across the NA cores.

Some configuration changes require .rcx file modifications. The .rcx files are located in the following directory:

  • Windows: <NA_HOME>\jre
  • Linux: <NA_HOME>/jre

Always edit .rcx files with care. These files use XML format. If a .rcx file change results in invalid XML, the NA console might not start correctly.

It is recommended to make all configuration changes in the adjustable_options.rcx file. NA patch installations and product upgrades might overwrite any of the other NA-installed .rcx files.

The general procedure for changing .rcx files is as follows:

  1. Back up the .rcx file to a location outside the <NA_HOME> directory.

    NA reads all .rcx files within the NA directory structure.

  2. Add new content or update existing content as described in the instructions.
  3. Save the .rcx file.
  4. Reload the .rcx settings by doing one of the following:

    • In the NA console, on the Admin > Administrative Settings > User Interface page, click Save.
    • Run the reload server options command from the NA proxy.
    • Restart the NA services.

    Some changes do not take effect until the NA services have been restarted.

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