DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
The customer imagined a situation 。
there was a problem with the network between the two servers in an AF environment.
So what will happen to the two servers of the NNM?
Fortunately, this issue is mentioned in the documentation
But,the action of automatically negotiate is not explicitly stated
Application Failover Scenarios
Several possible problems can cause the active NNMi management server to stop sending heartbeats, and to initiate a failover:
Scenario 1: The active NNMi management server fails.
Scenario 2: The system administrator shuts down or reboots the active NNMi management server.
Scenario 3: The NNMi administrator shuts down the cluster.
Scenario 4: The network connection between the active and the standby NNMi management servers fails.
In scenario 4, both NNMi management servers run in the active state. When the network device comes back online,
the two NNMi management servers automatically negotiate which node should become the new active node.
Note :
1.even after the network connection between the 2 NNMi nodes is severed/down and the two nodes can no longer see or send heartbeat signals to each other,
the 'nnmcluster' daemon will continue to run on each of the AF Cluster nodes.
2.Once the network is back up the 2 nodes which are both now Active will cross-check the 'nnmcluster' daemon's start time stamp
3.the AF cluster node wherein the 'nnmcluster' daemon has been up running (uninterrupted) for the longest time will assume the role of 'Active server, while the other nodes/nodes will switch to 'Standby' mode
So, Quick Answer is “The node which has the 'nnmcluster' daemon running for the longest time gets to be the Active node in the NNMi AF Cluster.”
Customer Support Engineer, APJ NNMi