DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Can NNMi forward Custom Poll data from a Regional Network Manager (RNM) to a Global Network Manager (GNM) for a node which is discovered on the RNM and forwarded to the GNM?
Can Custom Polling be configured on the GNM for such a node?
If the Custom Poller is configured locally on the RNM for a node discovered by it, the Custom Polled data collected on the RNM cannot be transferred to the GNM. The Custom Polled data will be available in the RNM under the Node Pane, "Custom Polled Instances" Tab. Please refer to the example below:
However it will not be visible under the Node Pane, "Custom Polled Instances" Tab in the GNM console. Please refer to the example below:
If a node is discovered in an RNM and forwarded to a GNM and a Custom Poll configuration is created for this node in the GNM there will be no Custom Polled Instances created and polled. The Discovery State Information for the corresponding Custom Node Collection will be "Skipping Discovery for Remote Node".
In a GNM environment the Custom Poller configuration should be configured locally on the NNMi server which is actively monitoring the node.
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