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[NNM] Support Tip: Unable to perform configuration poll - Did not receive a message from the Discovery Service within the 300 second timeout



The user is unable to perform a configuration poll for nodes. It's throwing the below error:
Did not receive a message from the Discovery Service within the 300 second timeout

The following entries may be found from the configuration poll output:
3:05:19 PM   **** Starting configuration poll of node xxx (xx.xx.xx) ****

3:05:19 PM  AnalyzerManager Starting analysis of the node...
Did not receive a message from the Discovery Service within the 300 second timeout.

The following entries may be found in nnm-trace.log*:
15:35:19.881 INFO  [] (pool-1-thread-20) Node profile request expired: uuid=xxx, address=xx.xx.xx name=xxx, callback=BasicNodeEntryPoint, managementAddressHint=null

15:52:31.801 INFO  [] (Thread-75 (group:HornetQ-client-global-threads-1035823487)) Received a response from Agent to a timedout request: xxx config SnmpConfigEntry {SnmpActiveConfigurationEntry { Local Enabled Target='xxx', MgmtIP=xx.xx.xx, Error='null', SysOid=xxx, Version=xxx }}


The configuration poll cannot complete because of the slowness of the device in response. NNMi does not receive any response from the device within the 300 second timeout. After more than 30 mins, NNMi receives a response from the Agent to a timeout request.



In this scenario, the user should check with the network team to find out the reason why the device is responding very slowly.  The user can ask the network team to use tcpdump or wireshark in order to capture packets between NNMi and the problematic device while performing the configuration poll, and then examine how the device is communicating with NNMi.

From NNMi side, the user can consider increasing timeout for the configuration poll to at least 45 mins (2700s) or more. The detailed steps can be found in the following knowledge document:


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