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(NNMi) Support Tip: Video: Micro Focus NOM Demonstration- Remediate a Network Compliance Issue


Micro Focus Network Operations Manager (NOM) Technical Marketing Manager gives a short demonstration of the Micro Focus NOM Suite, including NNMi and NA.

Micro Focus NOM provides visibility into your network topology, health, and configuration; optimizes it for performance, capacity and compliance; and orchestrates the configuration through automation.

NOM brings network engineering and operations teams together as they face a complex network infrastructure, with ever changing technologies. Unlike using a myriad of disparate management tools, NOM helps network team deal with equipment outages, slowdowns, brownouts, security breaches, resource availability, and access denials.

This demonstration highlights NOM’s ability to provide a deep dive drill down using our suite-specific tools of NNMi and NA. During this video, you will be able to see all of the following capabilities:

Use Case Summary (0:15)
Custom Topology Map (0:57)
Layer-3 Path View (1:47)
Viewing status on a Router (2:10)
Node Dashboard (2:30)
Traffic Volume on Router Interfaces (2:55)
Interface Dashboard (3:00)
Top Applications Traffic Over an Interface (3:10)
Application Dashboard (3:27)
Top Network Sources and Destinations for an Application (3:35)
Historical Interface Availability on a Network Node (4:10)
Network Node Layer-2 Topology Map (4:40)
6-Hop Layer-2 Topology Map (5:09)
Incident List for a Network Node (6:02)
Network Policy Violation on a Network Node (6:10)
All Network Incidents List (6:16)
Filter and Sort All incidents (6:23)
A Configuration Change Event for a Network Node (6:31)
The Differences between the Last Two Configurations on a Network Node (7:06)
List of all Policy Activities on a Network Node (7:38)
Policy Violation Details (7:55)
Create a Command Script to Provision a Network Node (8:05)
Command Script Templates (8:25)
Execute a Provisioning Script (8:39)
On-demand Status Polling on a Network Node (8:54)

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