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False-positive TemperatureOutOfRangeOrMalfunctioning events are generated for some F5 BIG-IP devices



False-positive TemperatureOutOfRangeOrMalfunctioning events are generated in NNMi for F5 BIGIP devices due to "breached" thresholds.



It has been discovered that the available temperature polling policy in NNMi is not applicable, because the high threshold values cannot be obtained via SNMP polls

Below is the statement made by F5 BIG-IP  Support representative:

You can check with SNMP only the current value of the temperature sensor of the hardware component.


The high threshold (Hi Limit(C))  cannot be fetched through SNMP OID's but it can be seen with the command "tmsh show sys hardware". It will look like as shown below (from my lab):



Blade Temperature Status

Slot  Index  Lo Limit(C)  Temp(degC)  Hi Limit(C)  Location

1     1                    0            21                      53           Blade air outlet temperature 1

1     2                    0            13                      41           Blade air inlet temperature 1

1     3                    0            23                      60           Blade air outlet temperature 2

1     4                    0            16                      42           Blade air inlet temperature 2

1     5                    0            35                      69           Mezzanine air outlet temperature 2

1     6                    0            32                      72           Mezzanine HSB temperature 1

1     7                    0            17                      63           Blade PECI-Bridge local temperature

1     8                    0            -52                      0            Blade CPU #1 TControl Delta temperature

1     9                    0            38                      68           Mezzanine BCM56846 proximity temperature

1     10                  0            25                      69           Mezzanine BCM5718 proximity temperature

1     11                  0            19                      57           Mezzanine Nitrox3 proximity temperature

1     12                  0            15                      51           Mezzanine SHT21 Temperature

2     1                    0            19                      53           Blade air outlet temperature 1

2     2                    0            12                      41           Blade air inlet temperature 1

2     3                    0            21                      60           Blade air outlet temperature 2

2     4                    0            15                      42           Blade air inlet temperature 2

2     5                    0            32                      69           Mezzanine air outlet temperature 2

2     6                    0            29                      72           Mezzanine HSB temperature 1

2     7                    0            18                      63           Blade PECI-Bridge local temperature

2     8                    0            -53                       0            Blade CPU #1 TControl Delta temperature

2     9                    0            35                      68           Mezzanine BCM56846 proximity temperature

2     10                  0            22                      69           Mezzanine BCM5718 proximity temperature

2     11                  0            17                      57           Mezzanine Nitrox3 proximity temperature

2     12                  0            13                      51           Mezzanine SHT21 Temperature


You can fetch the current value by querying the OID .  which will give you the answer as "21 degC" which is the current temperature of the first component as shown above. Similary, you can fetch the results by querying all components. 

snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost .

F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysBladeTempTemperature.1.1 = Gauge32: 21


snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost .

F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysBladeTempTemperature.2.1 = Gauge32: 14


[root@VIP2200-R47-S13:/S1-green-P:Active:Standalone] mibs # snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost .

F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysBladeTempTemperature.3.1 = Gauge32: 23


[root@VIP2200-R47-S13:/S1-green-P:Active:Standalone] mibs # snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost .

F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysBladeTempTemperature.4.1 = Gauge32: 16


[root@VIP2200-R47-S13:/S1-green-P:Active:Standalone] mibs # snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost .

F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysBladeTempTemperature.5.1 = Gauge32: 35



An enhancement request to F5 has been submitted, for the feature of the SNMP agent to report high threshold (Hi Limit(C)) via SNMP.

The currently available thresholds policies will be deprecated by most-recent releases of NNMi's Device driver pack.

Once this change is implemented from device vendor, the device driver code in NNMi will be updated.

It is recommended to suspend sensor/threshold monitoring of the temperature sensors for such devices from NNMi and the devices themselves for now.


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