ERROR: connection refcount suggests that stack frames used in this request were not garbage collected.

I'm running the uninstall job. Normally, it should be done in a very short time. But, it takes an hour and then it gives a timeout error.

btw, I am getting an error message like below.

Excerpt from agent’s OPSWshadowbotservice.out

Sleeping for 3600 seconds...
poked with command id 55404410001 (srvc_inst_id=68130001, way_url None, way_addr None)
Time: Mon Aug 12 15:19:06 2024: Thread 79688: ERROR: connection refcount suggests that stack frames used in this request were not garbage collected.
While not necessarily a critical issue, this could manifest in performance degradation because of the full gc cycles needed to purge the unused objects as well as increased memory usage for short periods of time.
Please contact Support if component performance is impacted
poked with command id 55405450001 (srvc_inst_id=68130001, way_url None, way_addr None)
Time: Mon Aug 12 15:21:37 2024: Thread 77392: ERROR: connection refcount suggests that stack frames used in this request were not garbage collected.
While not necessarily a critical issue, this could manifest in performance degradation because of the full gc cycles needed to purge the unused objects as well as increased memory usage for short periods of time.
Please contact Support if component performance is impacted
Failed to put results 55395690001 to the Way:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 703, in putResults
File ".\xmlrpc\", line 114, in __call__
File ".\xmlrpc\", line 136, in __request
File ".\xmlrpc\", line 192, in __request
File ".\xmlrpc\", line 137, in dumps
File ".\xmlrpc\", line 80, in dumps
_xmlrpc.error: Error encoding text

  • 0  

    Your true problem is almost certainly not related or caused by the "connection refcount" message. The "connection refcount" message could indicate a very slow memory leak but that is unlikely to cause issues for at least a few years after starting up the agent.

    Your true problem is "_xmlrpc.error: Error encoding text"

    What version of SA are you running? We have a known issue fixed in 24.1.001 and later that manifests in a similar way but it also has a workaround: before running an SA job ensure that the managed device has run a full software registration (bs_software). You can initiate this manually on unix and windows managed devices as well by running /opt/opsware/agent/pylibs3/cog/bs_software (or bs_software.bat). If this was your issue then you'd see it only on newly deployed agents or on agents that cannot do full software registration for some reason.

    If the above doesn't apply then you would first look at the type of job you're running when the issue happens and the target device this happens on. You would then collect a session_dump and debug level waybot and agent logs.

  • 0 in reply to   
    ll software registration (bs_software).

    First of all , thanks for your answer. I am using SA Agent 80.0.92103.0 version on Windows Server 2019 machines. Also , like you said I've tried full software registration command before run install software job. But no luck.

    I don't understand exactly that what you mean by "at the type of job you're running".

    - I am creating ZIP package. (consisting one msi file and one bat file) 

    - Then importing inside SA (via Import Software under Library)

    - Right click on managed device then Install - Software 

    lastly , How can we collect a session_dump and debug level waybot and agent logs? 

    I am assuming you saying :

    Windows agent logs:

    %ProgramFiles%Common Files\opsware\log\agent\agent.log*

    %ProgramFiles%Common Files\opsware\log\agent\agent.err*

    waybot.err while reproducing the problem, from SA Core run:

    tail -f /var/log/opsware/waybot.err


    I don't know session dump.

  • 0   in reply to 

    What happens when you execute bs_software.bat ?

  • 0 in reply to   

    it works.

    PS C:\Program Files\Opsware\agent\pylibs3\cog> .\bs_software.bat

    Registering full software inventory information...
    Contacting core for delta with SpinWrapper'> to spin:1004/
    Software inventory delta registered.
    PS C:\Program Files\Opsware\agent\pylibs3\cog>

    Also ,  OPSWshadowbotservice.out

    leeping for 120 seconds...
    Failed to put results 55586800001 to the Way:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\", line 703, in putResults
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 114, in __call__
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 136, in __request
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 192, in __request
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 137, in dumps
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 80, in dumps
    _xmlrpc.error: Error encoding text

    Sleeping for 300 seconds...
    Failed to put results 55586800001 to the Way:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\", line 703, in putResults
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 114, in __call__
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 136, in __request
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 192, in __request
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 137, in dumps
    File ".\xmlrpc\", line 80, in dumps
    _xmlrpc.error: Error encoding text

    how to collect session_dump and debug level waybot ?

  • 0   in reply to 

    In the NGUI:

    Administration->System Configuration->Configuration Parameters-> Command Engine(way):

    way.debug_size: 1


    Run the job and wait until it fails.

    Collect the /var/log/opsware/waybot/* logs from the core[s]

    Collect the agent logs from the agent

    Collect the session on the core with the command "/opt/opsware/support/bin/dump_session YOUR_JOB_ID"

  • 0 in reply to   

    ok I will sent log files. btw ,Session<jobID>.pkg.gz  file  will be write under opt/opsware/support/bin/ directory? right? Is pkg.gz enough? Do you need HTML?

  • 0   in reply to 

    Please open a support case with the data collected

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