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URL to download Database and Middleware Automation Trial Software


Looking for Database and Middleware Automation Trial Software, if you have URL for this then please share.



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    You can download the  Data centre automation appliance 1.0 "" which also includes the DMA workflows compatiable with OO and as that is only trail  download option you have . For the DMA ultimate product from the current release you need a valid support  license to download from HPE SSO site this comes with a 90 days trail liencse .

  • 0  

    You can download the  Data centre automation appliance 1.0 "" which also includes the DMA workflows compatiable with OO and as that is only trail  download option you have . For the DMA ultimate product from the current release you need a valid support  license to download from HPE SSO site this comes with a 90 days trail liencse .

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