DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
You can set the agent side storm detection and suppression configuration variables to reduce the number of messages during a storm which adds load on OBM.
Single node
To set this variable for a single agent use the following command:
ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_MSGA_PING_SERVER_INTERVAL 600
You can execute the command remotely via ovconfpar if required as shown below:
ovconfpar -set -ns eaagt -set OPC_MSGA_PING_SERVER_INTERVAL 600
Multiple nodes
To set the variable on multiple nodes, use the opr-agt command as shown below:
opr-agt -username <user> -password <passwd> -set_config_var eaagt: OPC_MSGA_PING_SERVER_INTERVAL=600 -node_list <myNodeList> | -view_name <myView>
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