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Knowledge Doc: Operations Bridge Manager - If a condition containing instructions text is duplicated in a Measurement Threshold Policy the help ID is duplicated


If a condition containing instruction text is duplicated in a Measurement Threshold Policy, the help ID is duplicated, resulting in wrong instruction text being displayed.


Operations Bridge Manager (OBM) 24.2 (11.70)


When creating Measurement Threshold (MT) policies you may copy exisiting conditions (or events) in the Policy Editor in order to not type everything again, if there are just a few changes in the new condition. If the condition contains instructions, there is a problem, as the HELP ID is duplicated and not created with a new, different value. This results in wrong instructions being shown in the Event later on, as the wrong HELP ID reference is used to display the Instruction text.
You can see in the RAW Editor clearly, that the "HELP" ID is the same on multiple conditions/events that were copied from the first condition lableled AlertFor1.

For resolution, refer to the complete knowledge article


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