DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Situation: The credential-manager-xxxx pod is CrashLoopBackOff due to missing required DBs. Resolution: Creating the required DBs will fix the issue
Opsb Suite 2021.11
Postgres DB
The credential-manager-xxxx pod is failing with the following error messages:
[error] failed to initialize database, got error failed to connect to `host=<DB_name> user=credentialmanageruser database=credentialmanager`: server error (FATAL: database "credentialmanager" does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000))
[2024/06/12 04:59:46] [EROR] (persistence_impl.NewPostgresDBDataStore:47) Error while acquiring db connection
[2024/06/12 04:59:46] [EROR] (persistence_impl.NewPostgresDBDataStore:48) Error: failed to connect to `host=<DB_name> user=credentialmanageruser database=credentialmanager`: server error (FATAL: database "credentialmanager" does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000))
[2024/06/12 04:59:46] [EROR] (main.main:48) Error occurred error: failed to connect to `host=<DB_name> user=credentialmanageruser database=credentialmanager`: server error (FATAL: database "credentialmanager" does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000)). Exiting
For resolution please check out the complete knowledge document