DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
When trying to deploy a service/process monitoring policy to a node to send an event when CPU usage or memory usage does not meet a threshold, the <$SESSION(PROCESSCPUUSAGE)> and <$SESSION(PROCESSMEMUSAGE)> defined in the policy will just return 0 or -1.
Operations Bridge Manager (OBM) 2023.05
<$SESSION(PROCESSCPUUSAGE)>: Returns the percentage of the current CPU usage of the monitored process.
<$SESSION(PROCESSMEMUSAGE)>: Returns the current memory usage of the monitored process.
Set up a policy to monitor if "opr_as" process is using more than 5% percent of CPU as below:
Event title is set to "opr_as <$SESSION(PROCESSCPUUSAGE)>" for the start event and "Cont.d opr_as <$SESSION(PROCESSCPUUSAGE)>" for the continued event.
But CPU usage just returns 0 (or -1) like below:
For cause and resolution, please refer to the complete knowledge document.