DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Cloud Optimizer 3.10 is now available for download. Here a few things that are good to know:
1. Release scope
COpt 3.10 provides enhancements, fixes and a platform refresh:
The Support Matrix is in process of being updated.
Check in the coming days.
2. Installation
COpt 3.10 no longer provides a virtual appliance. You must prepare a RHEL/CentOS server with the necessary prerequisites and then install COpt 3.10 on this server. The installer includes the installation of an instance of the Vertica database.
3. Upgrade
COpt 3.10 supports side-by-side upgrades (no in-place upgrade). The product should be installed on a new server and the data can be migrated from an old CO 3.0x instance to COpt 3.10.
Check the migration steps at
If you are using CO 3.0x with the "monitoring-only" license, then you may not be interested in historical data. If you have few configuration customizations, a manual migration of the configuration is a possible alternative.
4. Integration with OBM
The OBM Management Pack for Cloud Optimizer 1.26 is still supported with COpt 3.10. The hotfix CO_OMI_1.26_HF_DISCOVERY_VIEW_7 is required.
When migrating to a new COpt server, it is recommended to be very careful before de-assigning policies from the old CO server. Undeployment of the service discovery policy (vPV-Discovery) would trigger the deletion in RTSM of the CIs that were discovered by this policy. When going live with your new COpt 3.10 server, it is best to disable the discovery policy on the old CO instance and delete the agtrep cache:
# ovpolicy -disable -polname vPV-Discovery
# ovagtrep -clearall
Info: Notification will not be sent to the server.
Once the cache is deleted, the policy can be de-assigned without risking to delete the CIs from RTSM. If the policy was re-enabled at any point of time, repeat the above two steps before de-assigning the policy.
5. Troubleshooting kit (PVTK)
The current PVTK version 2.0 cannot create a pvsupport archive on the newer OS versions supported by COpt 3.10. This feature is important for providing support on the product.
A new PVTK version 2.10 will be published in the coming days.
6. CVE-2021-22505
COpt 3.10 includes the fix for CVE-2021-22505.
However, if you are migrating from CO 3.0x and you have previously deployed the Compute Sensor (hpsensor) or you are monitoring Physical Servers, then you still need to upgrade the Compute Sensor on these remote servers. Until then, you can use the mitigation steps under the section Alternate mitigation steps for the remote machines in this document: