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Error while executing SQL: Error while executing SQL -- Data source is closed Event received in OBM


There is an error in the ci_resolver.log:

Index.update(163) - Index update failed: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error while executing SQL: Error while executing SQL -- Data source is closed

This error results in a event in OBM created by the self-monitoring policy in OBM.


Is a known issue in that version OBM 2018.11/10.71. This error does not have a real impact on the product, and it is removed from showing but in the more recent versions of the applications. It is fixed from OBM 2019.05 IP1 above

The options for not seeing this event in OBM besides simply ignoring it are:

-Update to the latest application version where the error does not show in the logs anymore.

-Create a suppression rule and suppressing the event.

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