DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
The customer notices that the events in the event browser are showing difference of the time created and the time first received of minutes. When the do a continues ping against the reverse proxy URL of OBM they see that from time to time it does not respond showing a timeout error. Also, the opr-gateway logs show connection disconnected errors on the GWs. In 300 times connecting to OBM it failed 8 times. The same fails happen against both GWs URLs directly. When running opcagt on OBM GWs, sometimes it is replying with buffering issue for the RP URL.
On each GWS do the below:
ovc -kill
del %ovdatadir%\tmp\bbc\*
del %ovdatadir%\datafiles\bbc\*
SSL_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT=300000 to 600000
ovc -start
This was to help the ovbbccb from reporting as unavailable. It was found one agent had a 1GB msg data queue file and was hammering the server. Basically, opcmsga adds the events into the msgagtdf file before forwarding to the message receiver in the WDE. Usually the size of msgagtdf file increases when the agents goes into buffering state or when the processing of the events by opcmsga is slower. The modification that we did in the customer environment was to increase the value of HOSTNAME_CACHE_TIMEOUT to 86400 (24hrs) from the default value of (30mins). This increase in the timeout would help opcmsga to cache the resolved hostnames for longer duration and eventually helping to resolve them quickly rather than to query DNS server every 30min that could take time and lead to slower processing and contributing to delay in sending the events. This change would have helped opcmsga to process the events faster thereby regulating the size of queue files.
Micro Focus Software Support
The views expressed in my contributions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views and strategy of Micro Focus.
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