• synthetic monitoring for wifi connectivity in APM using Vugen

    Hi Community, We have a requirement to simulate wifi connectivity , is there is way to simulate this ? i recorded one sample script using truclient web protocol to go to a site and clicking something , i found something in runtime settings in vugen…
  • Multifactor based authentication application URL monitoring in APM/RUM

    Hi Team we have a requirement to monitor MFA based URL, basically flow is 1. hit the URL , 2. it redirects to Okta (our IDM provider) ,3. it sends push notification via email or to mobile , approve it , then it logs into the application can we monitor…
  • BPM Script Schedule Error?

    We want our script to run every day morning at 4am? But above script is running at 4pm instead 4am. So, What is wrong here?
  • HTTP/Web protocol recording getting some issues in Vugen 2020 sp2

    Hi community, while recording i am getting below error PFS after some time page loads, but replays is also failing with Error -26627: HTTP Status-Code=404 , and also some authorization errors similar to this : vuser_init.c(50): Error -26547: Authentication…
  • BPM Error: Script was interrupted by BPM Timeout, So this transaction will not run

    BPM Version 9.53 Application Performance Management 9.51.151, Build 164 We are seeing Script was interrupted by BPM Timeout, So this transaction will not run l ike these error msgs lot in EUM Triage Raw Data Report . Is this known issue. Is there…
  • mutiple pop up's failing in bpm

    Hi , Ours APM 9.51.151 and bpm is 9.53.91 we have a usecase where we are monitoring application, where we need to login to one app then click then it will go to that application which should be monitored , while replay in vugen its working fine, but after…
  • AppPulse to APM Migration

    Hi Community, What is the procedure to migrate applications from app pulse to apm ? how much time required to move one application completely to apm from AppPulse?do we need to work with support or we have documents in docs.microfocus.com?
  • APM Java applets and controls are not loading when using Load balancer

    Hello All, When we are using load balancing url in APM, Java applets and controls are not loading in APM whereas when we use direct application URL, it is getting loaded. Can anyone suggest solution for this issue? Thanks!
  • APM Log4j Remediation Question

    Hello, My customer is in the process of completing the steps documented in CVE-2021-44228 and other vulnerabilites for Micro Focus APM (as of 1/6/2022). The document states replacing the 2.17.0 jar files. Within the same docment it references a KM article…
  • CVE-2021-44228: Proof-of-Concept for Critical Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Available (Log4Shell)

    Hello, There's a new exploid published as CVE-2021-44228 for Java log4j2. APM and OBM Gateways seems to be affected and there's 3 official mitigation methods for now that we are trying to apply. Please publish a document for us how to implement mitigations…
  • APM 9.51 - old webservices scripts compatibility

    Hi, Customer upgraded BSM 9.26 (and BPM 9.26) to APM 9.51 (and BPM 9.53) . All environment is Windows OS. Some of their scripts are in error and received this alert: Transaction Error Message: 1.Action.c(17): Error: To continue, WSE2 and WSE3 must…
  • Wizard Application Performance Setup and Database Configuration Utility not continue.

    I have installed APM 9.51 but in the section of the license the wizard not show the window and the wizard not finish. In the log I can see next error. The section the connection to database is ok. I have oracle version 19.3 2021-06-18 00:49:13,768…
  • BPM on MAC

    Has the BPM agent been developed for installation on MAC OS?
  • URL to monitor alert generation for APM-OBM Integration

    Hello, In the OBM-APM Integration guide in the troubleshooting section, it mentions there is an mbean in the APM jmx console that allows you to get the OMI URL. Our APM instance is enabled with TLS/client authentication and we are not able to access…
  • Is it possible to update the ip address of the BPM Probe in APM?

    Hello, My customer refreshed their BPM probes and changed the IP addresses of the servers. We tried selecting the Request Configuration Update button, but that didn't update the ip address or the BPM URL. Also we tried using the Lock BPM Agent and enforce…
  • Please confirm if BSM 9.26 and 9.25 is supported on RHEL 7.5 or later

    Hi, We have planned OS upgrade from 6.x to 7.5 RHEL. Please confirm the compatibility of 7.5 or later with BSM 9.25 and 9.26. Thanks, Nirbhay
  • RTSM page not accessible post to the APM upgrade V 9.51

    We have upgraded APM from V 9.30 to V 9.51. Inplace upgrade: Direct. 1 GW and 1 DPS environment. BSM_ODM was not started in DPS, We are using O racle RAC, So created the file %HPBSM_HOME%\conf\bsm-tnsnames.ora XXXXXXXX(SID) = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST…
  • bsm 10.63 not starting up using windows authentication

    install omi 10.63 on windows server 2016 to connect to sql server 2014 using windows authentication. I configured omi to use windows authentication and set it to run as a service account. But during start up i see this error saying username was not defined…
  • Recalculation for SLA data correction issue

    Created SLA Data Correction outage and attempted to recalculate the SLA back to default date. Received an error "There is no partition in the database for 12/5/2019 8:00 AM. Change the recalculation task to begin on 2/23/2020 8:00 PM or later". That would…
  • Query on BSM auto page discoverd

    Hi All, I want to understand the BSM auto page discovered method. Are they automatically discovered on the basis of page configured in root pane in BSM EUM? Kindly suggest.
  • APM 9.50 Alert Logging only after upgrade

    We have alerts configured with Actions to send mail and Run executable but when alert happens we get a message Logged Only - No Recipients No Actions. I have edited existing alerts and created new with same results.
  • APM System Health 9.51 Windows pop-up blocker in IE frustrating

    Hi All, I'm honestly struggling to step through the initial configuring of System Health with 9.51 running on Windows 2016 server. In SH 9.50 I was able to run F12 developer mode, change the Document mode to version 10 and continue on with any of the…
  • APM 9.51 RTSM History and User Experience DBs still needed?

    We've staged an upgrade from BSM 9.26 to APM 9.30 then direct upgrade to APM 9.50 and just recently now direct upgrade to APM 9.51. The DBA's copied all the databases across to new DB Server and now sit in AG. I was sure that from APM 9.30 onward we now…
  • Sitescope from AWS Marketplace - password issues

    Hi, I've subscribed to Sitescope Community Edition through Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. THis provides me with a machine image that we can spin up and run Sitescope. The problem is the username and password given (Admin/InstanceId) does not work…
  • Port Mirroring scenario understanding

    Hi, Hope you are doing fine. We require port mirroring for traffic duplication, we have one vm in DMZ on different (ESXI) and the probe vm is on a different (ESXI), how port mirroring should be done in that scenario? Our vms are on different ESXIs. waiting…