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BSM 9.10: Error when trying to log into BSM



I am getting the below error from IIS.   I have checked everything on the Microsoft website for the article on this error. 


HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter "I:\HPBSM\bin\IIS\isapi_redirect.dll" failed


Does anyone have a clue as to hpow to resovle this or seen this with BSM 9.10 and IIS 7.5?


Any information greatly appreciated.



  • 0 in reply to 

    I hope you have followed this during initial IIS configuration, if not please stop BSM & do this.

    If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and using the IIS 7.X Web server, you must perform the following procedure:
    1 In the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
    2 Right-click Roles and select Add server role to launch the Add Roles wizard.
    3 On the Select Role Services page, select Web Server (IIS) role to install.
    If a popup opens with the question Add features required for Web Server (IIS)?, click the Add required features button.
    4 Click Next twice.
    5 In the Select Role Services panel, select the following roles:
    ➤ Application Development section: ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters.
    ➤ Management Tools section: IIS Management Scripts and Tools
    6 Click Install.

  • 0 in reply to 

    I hope you have followed this during initial IIS configuration, if not please stop BSM & do this.

    If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and using the IIS 7.X Web server, you must perform the following procedure:
    1 In the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
    2 Right-click Roles and select Add server role to launch the Add Roles wizard.
    3 On the Select Role Services page, select Web Server (IIS) role to install.
    If a popup opens with the question Add features required for Web Server (IIS)?, click the Add required features button.
    4 Click Next twice.
    5 In the Select Role Services panel, select the following roles:
    ➤ Application Development section: ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters.
    ➤ Management Tools section: IIS Management Scripts and Tools
    6 Click Install.

  • 0 in reply to 
    Ok. after reading through the logs you have provided, understood that the IIS Config has failed.

    In the same directory, you will see IISRemoveConfigNEW.bat & IISConfigNEW.bat batch files. Can you run them manually in command prompt & provide the output. This should fix the issue. Ensure that your BSM is stopped while you are doing this. If possible do a hard reboot of the server.

    Let us know if it fixed the environment.
  • 0 in reply to 
    Ok. after reading through the logs you have provided, understood that the IIS Config has failed.

    In the same directory, you will see IISRemoveConfigNEW.bat & IISConfigNEW.bat batch files. Can you run them manually in command prompt & provide the output. This should fix the issue. Ensure that your BSM is stopped while you are doing this. If possible do a hard reboot of the server.

    Let us know if it fixed the environment.
  • 0 in reply to 
    Ok. after reading through the logs you have provided, understood that the IIS Config has failed.

    In the same directory, you will see IISRemoveConfigNEW.bat & IISConfigNEW.bat batch files. Can you run them manually in command prompt & provide the output. This should fix the issue. Ensure that your BSM is stopped while you are doing this. If possible do a hard reboot of the server.

    Let us know if it fixed the environment.
  • 0 in reply to 



    I performed steps as you requested.


    I have attached the outputs of the IISRemoveConfigNEW and IISConfigNEW.


    I also performed a reboot of server afterwards.


    Still having the same issue.


    Also, Why is the website trying to download files to my computer?


    It does this everytime.





  • 0 in reply to 

    Just a quick thought. I hope you are not running both web servers (apache and IIS)


    Try the following


    1. Using Windows Explorer go to %TOPAZ_HOME%\dat folder.
    2. Edit the IISConfig.bat file.
    3. Under the IIS7 section make sure the full path to APPCMD is specified:
    e.g. %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD
    4. Lines 35 - 51 have double quotes (") at the beginning of the line which start "%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD. Remove the double quote (") at the beginning of the each line (line numbers 35 to 51).
    5. Save the file.
    6. Run: IISConfig.bat
    7. Open Internet Explorer and connect to the HP BSM again



  • 0 in reply to 



    I did as you requested and now I am getting this error:



    HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter "I:\HPBSM\bin\ApmApiIsapiFilter.dll" failed


    I searched for this file and it is nowhere on my server and not in that directory.


    Any ideas?



  • 0 in reply to 



    I did as you requested and now I am getting this error:



    HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter "I:\HPBSM\bin\ApmApiIsapiFilter.dll" failed


    I searched for this file and it is nowhere on my server and not in that directory.


    Any ideas?



  • 0 in reply to 



    I did as you requested and now I am getting this error:



    HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter "I:\HPBSM\bin\ApmApiIsapiFilter.dll" failed


    I searched for this file and it is nowhere on my server and not in that directory.


    Any ideas?

