OBM Status: InitializerStartup - failed to configure server deployer on startup!


After configure using the wizard, this particular process failed. On Operations Bridge Manager Status, InitializerStartup FAILED - failed to configure server deployer on startup! 

$ OBMversion
Product: Operations Bridge Manager
Component: OMi Core
Version: 11.80
Build: 010.001.2c564d51553
OfficialRelease: 24.4

$ OBMstart
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 SUCCESS
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
Unable to start service OvCtrl
Incorrect function. (1)

Tried to bring to operations agent using 'ovc -start', unable to bring up the agent.

Kindly assist. Thank you

  • 0  

    Hello there,

    I think you are right and OA12 ins't starting. The Windows command sc is used to control one of the services (not sure which one), but at some point, the OA12 service isn't starting the agent correctly.

    I thikn to get some more ideas, please run:

    %ovinstalldir%\bin\win64ovc.exe -start -debug

    And check:


    ...for error messages.  


  • 0 in reply to   

    Hello Duncan,

    Thanks for the response.

    Tried your suggestion. Noticed the error in System txt related to ovbbccb

    E:\OBM\Shared_Software\bin\win64>ovcd.exe -start -debug
    Usage: [-help | -h | -install | -deinstall | -normal]

    -help | -h: prints this help
    -version: prints the version of OV Control
    -install: installs the OV Control as Windows service
    -deinstall: removes the OV Control from Windows services
    -normal: runs OV Control in normal mode on command prompt

    E:\OBM\Shared_Software\bin\win64>ovcd.exe -start
    Usage: [-help | -h | -install | -deinstall | -normal]

    -help | -h: prints this help
    -version: prints the version of OV Control
    -install: installs the OV Control as Windows service
    -deinstall: removes the OV Control from Windows services
    -normal: runs OV Control in normal mode on command prompt

    E:\OBM\Shared_Software\bin\win64>ovcd.exe -normal
    Running 'OvCtrl' in normal mode.


    0: INF: Mon Feb 3 10:33:25 2025: ovcd (13304/6748): (ctrl-214) ovbbccb has been exited. PID: 8892
    0: ERR: Mon Feb 3 10:33:30 2025: ovcd (13304/22184): (ctrl-42) Initialization of component 'ovbbccb' failed. Stopping component.
    0: ERR: Mon Feb 3 10:35:30 2025: ovcd (13304/10028): (ctrl-41) Timeout while starting component 'ovbbccb'.


  • 0 in reply to 

    Tried 'ovc -start -verbose'

    0: WRN: Mon Feb 3 10:39:58 2025: ovbbccb (6360/14560): (bbc-90) The incoming HTTPS client connection from host ::1 failed due to the SSL error:
    1: ERR: Mon Feb 3 10:39:58 2025: ovbbccb (6360/14560): (xpl-333) recv() on '[::1]:65216' failed.
    2: ERR: Mon Feb 3 10:39:58 2025: ovbbccb (6360/14560): (WIN-10054)
    0: ERR: Mon Feb 3 10:40:07 2025: ovc (8892/6076): (ctrl-79) Could not start a service 'OvCtrl': 'Incorrect function. (1)'.
    0: ERR: Mon Feb 3 10:40:07 2025: ovc (8892/6076): (ctrl-102) Could not start ovcd. Error while starting the service.