Sitescope script Monitor wrong node hint

Dear Expert

we have  Sitescope integrated with OBM, 

recently we add some monitor using script monitor run from sitescope on remote servers

the problem that when there is an alarm the alarm is related to sitescope server/ target host is sitescope server not the remote server 

i tried to change the integration setting in sitescope using deferent CI type  but still have same issue , the monitor in OBM still showing target host sitescope server not remote one

Any suggestion 

Best Regards;

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    Many years ago, I published a blog in this community called "3 faces for SiS monitors" (maybe the dinosaurs of the community remember it as "the good, the bad and the ugly"....). That blog unfortunately got lost in the migrations over the years....

    That blog is talking about SiS monitors and their related CI when integrating with OBM. I will summarize the blog here:

    1) the "good" monitors - these are monitors where SiS knows what is the related CI. for example: Ping, CPU, Disk, Oracle DB, etc...

    2) the "bad" monitors - these are monitors where SiS does NOT know what is the related CI, and in those cases the related CI will be "None". for example: Log file, URL, etc. But you can modify the monitor's Integration Settings and tell SiS what is the related CI (from the list of hard-coded CI Types).

    3) the "ugly" monitors - these are monitors where SiS "thinks" it knows the related CI, but it is wrong.... But you can modify the monitor's Integration Settings and tell SiS what is the related CI (from the list of hard-coded CI Types). for example: Port, DB Query, Windows resource monitor (sometimes "good", sometimes "bad"), etc.

    Script monitor falls in "bad" category. SiS doesnt know what you are monitoring with the script, so it will not send any related CI hint. change the monitored CI Type in "Integration Settings" and trigger another event....

    Let me know if you need more info,


  • 0  

    Many years ago, I published a blog in this community called "3 faces for SiS monitors" (maybe the dinosaurs of the community remember it as "the good, the bad and the ugly"....). That blog unfortunately got lost in the migrations over the years....

    That blog is talking about SiS monitors and their related CI when integrating with OBM. I will summarize the blog here:

    1) the "good" monitors - these are monitors where SiS knows what is the related CI. for example: Ping, CPU, Disk, Oracle DB, etc...

    2) the "bad" monitors - these are monitors where SiS does NOT know what is the related CI, and in those cases the related CI will be "None". for example: Log file, URL, etc. But you can modify the monitor's Integration Settings and tell SiS what is the related CI (from the list of hard-coded CI Types).

    3) the "ugly" monitors - these are monitors where SiS "thinks" it knows the related CI, but it is wrong.... But you can modify the monitor's Integration Settings and tell SiS what is the related CI (from the list of hard-coded CI Types). for example: Port, DB Query, Windows resource monitor (sometimes "good", sometimes "bad"), etc.

    Script monitor falls in "bad" category. SiS doesnt know what you are monitoring with the script, so it will not send any related CI hint. change the monitored CI Type in "Integration Settings" and trigger another event....

    Let me know if you need more info,

