OMT(Optic Management Tool Kit) Installation Issues

Hi Experts,

We are in a process of installation of OMT with embedded Kubernetes along with 3 master and 3 worker nodes. We have Successfully completed the Pre-check part. For 3 master server we are having the VIP also and mentioned those details in install. Properties file as well.

Now if we run the install command it's giving us error below.

FATAL : The number of configured control plane nodes is incorrect: 3. Leave 'masterNodes' empty for a single control plane node cluster or define 2 additional control plane nodes for a 3-control-plane node HA cluster

We are running the command below.

./install --cdf-home '/opt/kubernetes' --runtime-home '/opt/kubernetes' --tmp-folder '/var/opt/kubernetes/' ---ha-virtual-ip VIP --nfsprov-server nfs server hostname --nfsprov-folder /var/vols/itom/data -c /opt/kubernetes/Bits/silent-config-template.json

Please can anyone guide on this one.


OpsBridge Suite: 24.2


Pranav R N