how do I filter certain events for users with operator role?


we have users with operator rol wich can see all events in OBM as the act as level 1 support.  but now we have a project for which the information is quite restricted and operators cannot see certain events.

The problem is for this Operations Agents events:

- out of the box events --> show be seen but level one operators

- for those agents, events coming from Measurement Threshold policy with category say "HIDDEN" should not be seen for those users.

How could his be done ? using event filters in the Dasboard associated to this Level One Support Rol? if this is correct, how could be this filter fixed to the user page?

Thanks for your help.

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    Filtering events in the browser can be done either by Event Filter and/or by RTSM View.

    the use case you describe seems like you need filter by event's attribute (category=hidden) so you need Event Filter.

    Unfortunately, Event Filters are optional. You can create Workspace with event browser, select event filter, and then save it. I think other users who will access the workspace will see the event filter pre-selected.

    Event Browser can be accessed with "Clear View Filter" but this is only relevant for RTSM Views (meaning user has to select view), but if your events' related CIs are the same (regular and "hidden" events) then this option is not relevant.

    the last option I can suggest is assign events. You can create role in which these users can only see events assigned to user yes/no. Using automatic assignment rules you can assign regular and hidden events to different groups. so then user without permission to see events not assigned to user, will not see those events.

    The only thing I dont know if it will work is assignment to Group while the role restrictions is "assigned to user". but it worth trying...

    Let me know if you need more info.

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    Filtering events in the browser can be done either by Event Filter and/or by RTSM View.

    the use case you describe seems like you need filter by event's attribute (category=hidden) so you need Event Filter.

    Unfortunately, Event Filters are optional. You can create Workspace with event browser, select event filter, and then save it. I think other users who will access the workspace will see the event filter pre-selected.

    Event Browser can be accessed with "Clear View Filter" but this is only relevant for RTSM Views (meaning user has to select view), but if your events' related CIs are the same (regular and "hidden" events) then this option is not relevant.

    the last option I can suggest is assign events. You can create role in which these users can only see events assigned to user yes/no. Using automatic assignment rules you can assign regular and hidden events to different groups. so then user without permission to see events not assigned to user, will not see those events.

    The only thing I dont know if it will work is assignment to Group while the role restrictions is "assigned to user". but it worth trying...

    Let me know if you need more info.

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